Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Moon Prince Page 302: A Bitta English

One advantage to switching to a looser drawing style for The Moon Prince (see below for more on this) is it lets me post more often - from now we'll have new pages every Tuesday AND Friday!

Your pal,

Click HERE to see the whole story.

Friday, May 20, 2016

The Moon Prince Page 301: So Much for the Summer Break!

Dear Readers:

Last week I announced that The Moon Prince would be going on summer break while I worked on some new ideas for other stories. But here we are with a new page after all (see below) -- one that looks really different from the previous 300! Here's why:

Last Saturday I sat down to look over all my notes for different stories I want to do. To my surprise, I realized I had hundreds and hundreds of pages worth of story ideas from just the last few years. Seeing this forced me to take a hard look at a subject comics artists are faced with constantly: time.

The Moon Prince has always been drawn in a fairly realistic “clear line” style, a bit like Tintin (in Europe it's called “ligne claire”). Drawing and coloring a page of The Moon Prince in this style takes about 25 hours of work from start to finish. Since I have almost a thousand pages to go (counting the sequels I've already plotted), this would make it impossible for me to work on all the other stories I want to do for at least the next twenty years!

So, rather than stop The Moon Prince (we're just getting to the best part!) I've decided to keep going, but with a different drawing style. It's a polished-up version of the rough drawings I made when I wrote the pages, so it's looser and more cartoony. I hope you like it and don't find it so different that you lose interest in the story. I greatly appreciate knowing that there are many readers who have been following The Moon Prince for years now, and I always love to hear from you! Thanks for reading!

Your pal,

Click HERE to see the whole story.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Belay That!

Dear Readers -

Just a note to let you know that I've decided not to take a summer break from The Moon Prince after all, so please disregard last Friday's message. I'll explain more this coming Friday when I post page 301!

Your pal,

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Moon Prince Page 300: A Lot to Digest

Dear Readers:

Well, here we are at page 300 of The Moon Prince! Since it's a nice round number and the end of a chapter, I'm going to take a break for a few months to enjoy the summer weather and work on a couple of other story ideas I have floating around in my noggin. New pages will resume in September, but in the meantime I'm going to be posting some of my favorite pages as "summer re-runs," so please stick around - and thanks as always for reading!

Your pal,

Click HERE to see the whole story.